New module: Heat pump calculator. Save time and sell more

Salesbook is developing to consistently improve the sales process and support salespeople in their daily work. Today we want to present you our next novelty. Learn more about our heat pump calculator.
The Heat pump calculator allows the salesperson to create a personalized offer during the meeting. As a result, the customer immediately receives a document with detailed parameters, and the seller saves time that would have to be spent on the subsequent preparation and sending of the offer.
If you want to add a new Heat Pump Calculator module in your app, please contact your salesbook manager or write to
Step by step, the salesperson goes through the next stages of configuration together with the customer. The clear interface gives the customer a sense of control over the entered data at all times, and the seller is sure that all entered parameters are fully legible and understandable for the customer. The calculator intuitively guides you through the process of creating an offer.
In the first step, the seller collects information on the legal form of the client, heated space, building structure and type of heating. It determines the number of people in the household, the average daily water consumption and the heating power demand.

After completing the required parameters, the application suggests devices that meet the customer’s requirements.

Then, the seller and the customer determine which components the heat pump should have and which additional products or services (e.g. excavation of the area) will be necessary to complete the project.

When all the necessary information has been entered, a summary of the selected device will appear in the next step, along with the proposed gross price and planned energy consumption.

The vendor can also provide the customer with a comparison of the projected annual home heating costs for different ways of supplying the heating system. It will certainly be a strong sales argument.

If the customer uses the “Clean Air” program or the Thermo-modernization discount, in the next step the seller will be able to determine exactly how it will affect the final price.

In the financing stage, the seller has the opportunity to present the customer with sample loan and leasing calculations.

The last stage is generating a ready-to-use offer. The seller also has the option of checking the correctness of the entered configuration and presenting the offer to the customer before sending it.
At the end of the meeting, it is enough to send the generated offer to the client by e-mail from the application. The created offer will be automatically placed in the customer panel.
The heat pump calculator will unify the process of generating offers in the company. Thanks to it, sellers will not waste time taking notes from the meeting and preparing an offer after returning to the office. The tools available in the calculator will allow you to carefully examine the customer’s needs and dispel any objections arising in the sales process.
If you want to add a new Heat Pump Calculator module in your app, please contact your salesbook manager or write to
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