Energy storage, charging stations and carports. New features of Salesbook offer calculator

The RES industry is developing at a dizzying pace. In order to provide Salesbook users with access to tools that keep up with all changes and market needs, we give you a new Additional Products Offer Calculator, which will allow you to meet the customer’s needs with maximum precision and create an accurate offer for products related to the photovoltaic installation.
The Additional Products Offer Calculator is a new module that we have created in response to the needs of customers who expect a comprehensive, detailed offer and a high level of customer experience. If your client, apart from the installation itself, is considering the purchase of an energy storage or charging station, this calculator is just for you.
If you want to add a new Additional Products Calculator module in your app, please contact your Salesbook manager or write to
One of the most important stages of the sales process of photovoltaics and related products is the precise identification of customer needs. The quality of the data obtained will determine whether the seller will successfully close the sale. That is why we have equipped our latest module with functions that will allow you to at least double the sales of additional products and increase the value of the transaction.
Offer calculator
In the latest calculator, we provide the seller with the option of choosing the legal form of the client. So we define whether the client is a person or a company. This will have a direct impact on the amount of tax. After selecting one of the options, the application will automatically add to the valuation the tax amount in the appropriate amount.

Photo 1. Legal form.
The seller may also select whether the offer for additional products is to be combined with the prepared PV offer. In the case of combining offers, the customer may receive a preferential price of the products.

Photo 2. Combined offer with PV.
Thanks to the Additional Products Offer Calculator the sales rep has the opportunity to create an offer that will be perfectly tailored to the customer’s needs, both in terms of the photovoltaic installation itself and additional products, e.g. energy storage, charging stations, carport or even AC / DC switchgear. This will significantly increase the quality of customer experience, and our sellers will open the way to additional sales.

Photo 3. Energy storage.

Completing the configuration
After completing the configuration, a summary will be displayed, similar to the PV Calculator. Thanks to this, before the final offer is generated, the customer and the seller have the opportunity to check whether all the arrangements are correctly entered into the application. The summary will also show the total net price and the total gross price before the discount.

The seller has the option of giving a discount on individual products. The discount is entered as a percentage, and the application automatically calculates the discount amount and presents it in the next step.

After completing the configuration, the seller has the opportunity to generate a ready-to-sign offer, and the customer immediately receives an e-mail summary of the meeting with all attachments and the most important arrangements.

The Additional Products Calculator will be the perfect tool for any sales rep who, apart from photovoltaics, also sells the above-mentioned products. This will maximally simplify and speed up the bidding process, and thus allow you to increase profits.
I If you want to add a new Additional Products Calculator module in your app, please contact your Salesbook manager or write to
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