Retail B2B / B2C

  • Big business in a small tablet

    Application with sales module designed for B2B and B2C traders. Strengthen the argumentation, collect the data and send it to any order processing system in your company.

What can our application do?

  • Presents the company

    Tell your company's story. Build trust and gain customer attention.

  • Analyzes needs

    Meet the customer's needs, present your offer and show the benefits of establishing cooperation.

  • Collects orders

    Traders place their orders during the meeting directly from a tablet, customers receive confirmation in the blink of an eye.

  • Manages prices

    Set product prices, assign price lists and discounts to companies, manage promo prices. Traders are always up-to-date.

  • Sends summary

    Right after the meeting provide the customer with a meeting summary, including order details. Automatically.

  • Manages sales

    Monitor business meetings, analyze their quality and sales opportunities. Duplicate best practices.

Check how to increase the B2B / B2C sales by 27%

Sign up for the demo »

What benefits will you get?


Salesbook — it's more convenient than you might think!

Full control over the pricing and discount policy

Salesbook allows you to assign price lists and individual discounts to selected customers. You will gain control and the confidence that your traders at any given time have up-to-date data on their tablets.


Salesbook — it's good to know more!

Real-time reporting

You will always know out where your sales representatives are, how they present the offer and whether their meetings are effective. You will learn the real and true data about their performance.


Salesbook — improve your business!

Increase sales by strengthening your traders

By giving traders a new tool to relieve them of their daily reporting responsibilities and simplify placing orders out in the field, you will give them more time for what they are best at – for sale.

Check how to efficiently manage your sales quality

Sign up for the demo »

We strengthen direct sales among hundreds of customers

Frank Burow
CFO/COO, OVB AG, Germany
Salesbook allows us to present in a visually attractive way the company, its main advantages and benefits of working in it. The platform ofers also extensive analytics and reports about the performance of the agents.

Test Salesbook
for Free

Send message

Any questions? Feel free to contact us.

+44 203 807 0179

Our Customer Care Department is available from Mon. to Fri. 9am - 5pm CET.

We support inquiries, processes of configuration and use of Salesbook app, as well as billing and technical issues.

  • Number of sellers*
  • Before sending us your personal information, be sure to read the Privacy Policy, where you will find information about the personal data administrator, your rights and obligations, for which purpose your data is processed and any other information regarding the protection and security of your personal data.

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